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  • 24 Aug 2021
  • 2 min read
  • By Ray Milton, REIQ Life Member

Vale Terry (TJ) Molloy

Obituary, Membership, Tribute, People Profile, History

It is with much sadness that I advise members of the recent passing of Terry (TJ) Molloy.

TJ was very much the REIQ's Members' Member.

He commenced his real estate career in Rockhampton, founding Molloy's Real Estate in the mid-fifties and remained in business until a few years ago.

TJ joined the REIQ very early in his real estate career. When the REIQ introduced branches outside of Metropolitan Brisbane he was very involved in the running of the Rockhampton Branch and his efforts in those early days have helped make this branch one of the strongest in the state today.

He helped his fellow members resolve a lot of issues as they came to hand thus avoiding the need to have formal tribunal hearings. Members used to seek his help in this area which he gladly gave.

TJ was a very strong advocate for the Rockhampton Branch and Regional Queensland at members council meetings which are legendary for the debates that occurred at the time.

Elected to the then Board of Management in 1976, he served as a board member for many years and rose to the position of Vice President for Queensland.

He was highly regarded by members of government and members of the opposition during his time.

TJ possessed a great sense of humour for which he was well known.

When REIQ introduced Chapters, Terry was appointed as Chairman of the Auctioneers Chapter which ultimately led to the formation of our annual Auctioneer of the Year competition which continues to this day.

TJ himself was a very talented auctioneer and one of the best I have ever seen. For his service to the industry, he was appointed as a life member of the REIQ.

His influence within the Institute will be with us for many years to come and those of us who have had the pleasure of knowing and working with him will never forget TJ Molloy.

Find out more facts on REIQ membership here.

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