- 06 Aug 2020
- 4 min read
- By James Hawes
Five women bossing it in real estate - Jamie Billerwell
Women working in real estate
Nearly 40 years ago, men made up almost 80%1 of all sales agents in real estate. 20 years later, that number was down to 67%2. Today, it's just 53.5%3. Suffice to say, real estate is no longer a boy's club. Women are breaking down barriers and achieving unbridled success in the property game. The REIQ took the time to reach out to five of Queensland's most prominent real estate women. And yes, it was painfully difficult narrowing down the shortlist to just five. In our opinion, there are hundreds across the State who are absolutely 'bossing it'.
Today, however, we'll be telling the story of Code Property Group's Jamie Billerwell.
Eight years, five roles, two massive awards
Billerwell's ascension has been so rapid it's a wonder she doesn't suffer vertigo. At just 28, she's the youngest on our list of hard-hitting women. And in her less-than-a-decade-long career, she's already kicked some serious goals. In 2019 she took home REA's Property Manager of the Year Award, and in 2020 she was the REIQ's Business Development Manager (BDM) of the Year. It took her just eight years to rise from receptionist to award-winning BDM. All the while grappling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. "There are still times where people will ask me for my thoughts and opinions and I'll have to ask myself if they're really asking me, and not somebody else" says Billerwell. "Then I have a kind of out-of-body experience as I listen to my answer, and think to myself 'oh my goodness Jamie, you are intelligent!'"
"Property management is a very female-friendly role."
Billerwell's rapid rise can be linked to two things: chance, and determination. Her career started when a car crash resulted in having to find work within walking distance. She was hired as a receptionist with a boutique real estate agency. That role lasted all of about six months before moving to a sales administration position. From there she jumped to property management admin, then to property management itself, but never felt comfortable in any of them. "I didn't fit any of it - but I was still a bull at a gate," says Billerwell. As a result, her then boss created the role of BDM in their agency - specifically for her. Since then it's been a rampant rise to the top, after being poached by Ray White Kawana - which has since become Code Property Group.
Be positive, and educated
"When I've had a bad day, I ask myself if it's really been a bad day, or just a bad five minutes," says Billerwell. "You've got to take the good with the bad in this job because it can be demanding, tiring, and sometimes just bloody hard." The key, she says, is always maintaining a positive mindset. "I'll go away and sulk for a couple hours, have a cuppa, then come back and boot and rally," says Billerwell. "Because the more time I waste dwelling on something, the more that feeds into my team, and I need to make sure I'm setting a positive example with my mindset." That doesn't mean ignoring those negative feelings entirely. Instead, it's about stepping back, dealing with it appropriately, then coming back ready to move on with the day.
In a world where women, and particularly young women, are often dismissed out of hand, it's absolutely pivotal to be well informed and well educated, explains Billerwell. "There's room [in real estate] for women who have an opinion," she says. "You don't have to meekly, mildly stand there and nod your head anymore; property management is a very female-friendly role." By surrounding herself with people who encourage her to be the best she can be, Billerwell's achieved greatness in just eight short years. Here at the REIQ, we're eager to see what she can do in the next eight.
Want to learn about other successful women in real estate? The next of our five women blazing a trail in real estate is Sonya Treloar. You can read her story here.
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