- 25 Oct 2022
- 2 min read
- By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella
REIQ's voice heard at Queensland Housing Summit
In late October, we attended the landmark Queensland Housing Summit, and the conversation must continue.
Importantly, the Summit had the ear of the Premier, Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Housing Minister and the Federal Housing Minister, as well as diverse representation across local government, community and private sectors, and impacted individuals.
It is a testament to the important contributions of our industry, and our consistent advocacy efforts, that the REIQ got the call up to this invite-only event.
We are proud to have represented the Queensland real estate profession and to have earned a seat at the table so that your voice could be heard at all levels of government and by diverse stakeholders.
The REIQ contributed a series of recommendations, both immediate and longer-term solutions, that look at both established and new supply, and pathways to home ownership to ensure all Queenslanders have a place to call home.You can read about the REIQ'ssuite of proposed solutionsand submission to Government.
If you tuned in to the live stream of the Summit, you would have heard the Treasurer make reference to the REIQ in relation to the land tax regime and acknowledge our role in its shelving.
Of course, the Summit highlighted the significant challenges we’re facing, but it was a positive and productive day which demonstrated the strong will of Queenslanders to act collaboratively and act now to end our State's housing crisis.
Your state peak body will continue to work with all levels of government to deliver the housing solutions that Queensland needs.
Watch Antonia Mercorella's Facebook Live video posted after the summit.
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