more social housing needed
  • 19 Jan 2021
  • 3 min read
  • By Smoke Alarm Solutions

It's time to check your rent roll health

Smoke alarm compliance, Australian Standards, Smoke Alarms

In October 2020, the Queensland Fire and Emergency Services released their QFES Community Insights Survey 2020 which included some concerning statistics surrounding new smoke alarm legislation. Only one fifth of Queenslanders have interconnected smoke alarms installed, which is the same amount as 2019. Additionally, only 59% of Queenslanders are aware of the new legislation.

As you should already be aware, from 1 January 2022 all rental properties in Queensland will be required to be fitted with interconnected smoke alarms in all bedrooms as well as other important areas of the property. This data seems to indicate that landlords are either leaving their 2022 smoke alarm installation to the last minute or are not aware that the compliance deadline is looming.

With less than a year to meet the deadline, now is the time to upgrade your rent roll's smoke alarms. To start the New Year, it's good practice for property managers to review the health of their rent roll in terms of smoke alarms compliance and raise awareness about the legislation with their landlords to ensure compliance deadlines are met.

Smoke Alarm Solutions has created a large number of resources to assist property managers inform landlords about the legislation changes. To encourage early compliance, Smoke Alarm Solutions provides an onsite quote which outlines the necessary work required for a property to meet 2022 legislation. Onsite quotes are sent out for each property on every attendance and prior to attending for an annual inspection or to replace expired alarms.

Clients can also access numerous Smoke Alarms Solutions resources by logging into the Solutions Portal. The Solutions Portal can be accessed 24/7 and is the simple solution to managing smoke alarm compliance. Some of the key features of the Solutions Portal are:


Track your portfolio's compliance:
  • See a snapshot of how many of your properties are currently compliant to 2022 legislation;
  • Review a full list of properties that are non-compliant to 2022;
  • Download onsite quotes to send to landlords; and,
  • Download compliance reports to review any rectification work that may need to be completed.
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Resource Centre

These resources can be downloaded and forwarded onto landlords:
  • Brochures;
  • Legislation Fact Sheets; and,
  • 2022 Educational Videos.

Manage Your Properties

Manage your ongoing smoke alarm maintenance:
  • Create a work order;
  • Review last inspection dates and the latest compliance reports;
  • Enrol a new property;
  • Advise if a property is no longer managed; and,
  • Update tenant details and key numbers.
You can login to the Solutions Portal via our website. Wish to speak to the experts about your portfolio's smoke alarm compliance or gain access to the Solutions Portal? Call Smoke Alarms Solutions on 1300 852 301 or email and the team will be more than happy to answer any queries you may have.

Smoke Alarm Solutions is Australia's leading provider of smoke alarm services to the real estate industry and is a trusted partner of the REIQ. Contact Smoke Alarm Solutions today to find out how they can provide a cost-effective and user-friendly solution to remove the liability and stress surrounding such an imperative and intricate set of guidelines involved with smoke alarm compliance. Don't leave compliance up to chance. Ensure you deal with the experts.

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