New Tenancy Laws forms updated from 1 October 2022
New tenancy laws come into effect this Saturday October 1 2022.
New and updated forms, check lists and fact sheets will be released on Realworks that day, including:
- New RTA Forms including Form 12 Notice to Leave and Form 18 General Tenancy Agreement;
- Updated PO Form 6 REIQ Schedule and Essential Terms, Property Management Checklists; and
- New and updated Client Instruction Forms, Factsheets, Letters to Client and Letters to Tenant.
The REIQ will also be updating the New Tenancy Laws Toolkit to outline each of the new forms and how they fit into our best practice advice. The Toolkit contains an overview of the REIQ's recommendations of how to navigate the new laws.
New forms include:
- Letter template for property managers to send to the body corporate when they receive a pet request to ask for a response within 14 days highlighting the consequences of a deemed pet approval;
- Checklist for the pet approval process;
- Checklist for dealing with routine and emergency repairs;
- Checklist for lease renewals and ending tenancies; and
- Checklist and client instruction form for amending your fees in the PO Form 6.
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