- 12 Jul 2023
- 2 min read
- By REIQ CEO Antonia Mercorella
From the CEO: 12th July 2023
Nominations close this Friday, 14 July for the REIQ Awards for Excellence. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to nominate for your chance to be recognised among Queensland’s finest. Our awards truly set the benchmark for standards in the industry with their focus on outstanding customer service and best practice. Winners and finalists are seen by the public as representing the highest standards of real estate practice and professionalism. You can nominate here.
Sales agents and administrators are encouraged to read our article about completing the ‘Place for Settlement’ section in the Reference Schedule of the REIQ Contract. If the ‘Place for Settlement’ section is not completed correctly, this this may cause issues that can impact the Contract and delay settlement. By way of example, if the ‘Place for Settlement’ is left blank, it is taken to be Brisbane CBD. This could be inconvenient (and problematic) for parties located elsewhere in Queensland if it is a special holiday in their locality but it is still a business day in Brisbane. Read the full article here.
I’m looking forward to our signature Property Insider Luncheon on the 28th of July. Always a smash hit, Property Insider delves into exclusive insights you won’t hear elsewhere. I’m particularly looking forward to seeing our internationally renowned keynote presenter, Global Futurist Chris Riddell. Chris is rated among the top five most inspirational speakers by audiences. He will take a look at the incredible pace of innovation and technology and what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for our industry. We have also assembled some of Queensland’s best and brightest minds to participate in a panel discussion covering various economic and housing related issues. Register for the Property Insider Luncheon today. I hope to see you there!
Read more from Antonia Mercorella: From the CEO 28th June 2023.
Read more news and updates from the REIQ here.
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