Jacob Carlile
  • 19 Jul 2022
  • 4 min read
  • By James Price

A rising star in property management

Awards for Excellence, Property Manager of the Year

First time attendee of the REIQ Awards for Excellence, Jacob Carlile, won the title of Rising Star Property Manager of the Year in 2021!

Each year, the REIQ celebrates the achievements of veterans, newcomers and everyone in between at the prestigious REIQ Awards for Excellence.

We got together with Carlile, Director of QLD Hot Property in Toowoomba, to discuss what winning this award meant to him, having only been in the real estate industry for a short time.

Think you or your agency is worthy of recognition? Nominate for the2022 REIQ Awards for Excellenceby 29 July.

Getting started

Whether you entered the real estate industry years ago or recently changed professions, everyone starts somewhere. Carlile shares why he took up the profession.

"I was pursing a career in corporate finance at the time, and I actually bought part of my dad's business... about three years ago now."

Discovering the limitless potential and opportunities for self-growth is what really helped drive Carlile to make the switch.

"What motivated me to get into real estate... I think it's an industry where you have endless potential," he says.

"There's no limit on what you can and can't do."

Winning an award

An REIQ award helps symbolise hard work and dedication to the Queensland real estate industry and can be a wonderful form of acknowledgement and recognition for recipients. Carlile touches on what winning his award meant to him.

"It was pivotal for me," Carlile says. "I put in 18 months of really hard work leading up to the awards.

"We experienced a massive growth and lots of early mornings and late nights as a result... so it was really just a great feather in my cap to say my hard work has paid off."

Carlile states the award helped him in more ways than just self-fulfillment. It helped to give him more credibility and authority to his name and business.

"It positioned me as a force to be reckoned with, having not been in the real estate game [for long]."

It also helped remove and clarify any stigma surrounding his name when becoming director of his dad's former business while also setting the business up for even more growth.

"We're not here to just exist, we're here to dominate and create a really great real estate agency," he says.

Benefits, Advice and the REIQ

As the peak body for real estate, the REIQ have helped represent the profession in Queensland for over 100 years. We asked Carlile how and what drove him to become a member so early in his career.

"I really like the REIQ as an organization and think that everything they do is done really well.

"I really wanted to be a part of that and want to continue being a part of it moving forward," says Carlile.

Carlile's appreciation for the REIQ was what lead him into participating in the 2021 Awards for Excellence.

Alongside his award, Carlile's agency was also a finalist for the Medium Residential Agency of the Year. While not winning this award, Carlile reflects on why he has no regrets.

"It was a great opportunity to reflect on the massive growth trajectory we've been on," he says. "It was a good opportunity to take a step back and look at the numbers and the results and go wow, we've actually worked really hard and this is what we got to show for it... regardless of whether we won or not."

Carlile also offers some advice for those new and old in the industry regarding entering the awards.

"Apply for all the categories you qualify for whether you think you're the best or not... if anything, you can use it as a great reflection tool.

"Take this opportunity to reflect and pat yourself on the back as well."

First time attending the REIQ Awards Gala

Regular attendees of this night can attest to the growth and continued support the event has offered over the years, with Carlile commenting on what it was like attending this prestigious event for the first time.

"The support from the industry was just fantastic," he says. "We did a lot of networking that night as well - built a lot of connections outside of the Toowoomba region."

Carlile says he was also able to deepen his connections with other agencies within his region.

This years' REIQ Awards of Excellence is set to be the biggest and best yet and will take place on the 29th of October.

To find out more important dates and information, such as how to nominate, please clickhere.

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